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A big ship with 16,000 sheep and cows is going to Israel. But it must turn back. It is too dangerous. Yemen’s Houthis may attack the ship. Now, the ship is stuck in Australia because of the hot weather. The people who send the animals want to unload some of them. Another ship with 60,000 animals is going to Jordan. If it cannot go through the Red Sea, it may stop in the Gulf. Australian officials must decide what to do with the first ship. Some people are worried. Animals suffer on the ship. Millions of animals travel by ships around the world.

Difficult words: 

stuck - when you are in a place and cannot move or leave

unload - to take things off a ship, vehicle, and so on

suffer - to go through something bad or unpleasant

Writing with Pen

Why New Year’s resolutions don’t work 

A New Year’s resolution is a promise which you make to yourself. You say that you will start doing something good or stop doing something bad on 1 January.

Many people have problems with New Year’s resolutions. They often fail. Professor Scot Lear says that our goals must be SMART – Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Timely. An example is exercising three times a week for 30 minutes for three months. If there are problems, it is okay. Things are not always as we want.

Scot says that we must be kind to ourselves, learn from our mistakes, and not stop.

Difficult words: 

specific - (clear), 

measurable - (possible to measure), 

achievable - (possible to do), 

relevant(useful, related to you).

Court Room

Boys sentenced for listening to pop music 

In North Korea, two 16-year-olds get 12 years of hard work. And why does it happen? Because they listen to South Korean music.

North Korea does not allow people to enjoy South Korean movies or music. There are very strict punishments since 2020. The video warns people in North Korea. It shows many students. They are wearing face masks. It is probably during the COVID pandemic.

North Korea wants to guide young people back to their traditional way of thinking. The government says that South Korean ideas are dangerous for its people.

Difficult words: 

punishment - (the penalty for doing something wrong) 

traditional - (something what exists for a long time).

Fur Particles Allergy

Why we say “God bless you”

People sometimes sneeze when they have a cold. Or they sneeze when something bothers their nose. Their nose gets full. Suddenly, air comes from their nose and mouth. People usually say “God bless you” when someone sneezes. Some countries say other things. In Spanish language countries, people wish good health when someone sneezes. Nobody really knows why people say, “God bless you.” People have some ideas about it. In the past, a plague happens in a lot of the world. People are scared. The disease is very dangerous. Someone who sneezes is sick. People ask God to keep him safe from the plague. These days, people say these words normally. For many people, it is polite.

Difficult words: 

bless - to ask God to keep someone safe.

plaguea dangerous disease which makes many people sick and kills many people

polite - good behavior with others.

DJ playing at a music event

Sweden’s oldest DJ 

Madelein Månsson is 79 years old. She likes music and dancing. She is the oldest DJ in Sweden.

Madelein becomes a DJ because she cannot find a place to dance. She makes a disco for people who are over 50 years old. The disco starts at 6 pm. People can dance for four hours. Madelein says that people need to have fun.

Madelein’s husband dies. It is a difficult time for her. But she stays positive. She is still a DJ. Her story teaches us to try new things and have joy in music. No matter how old we are.

Difficult words: 

positive - (thinking good things, not sad)

joy(when you feel happy)

no matter (when something is not a problem or important).

Cargo Ship

Big ships are in trouble !

Shipping company Maersk has problems in Europe. There are many winter storms. Ports are closing terminals. There are too many ships and too much stuff.

Houthis attack ships in the Red Sea. Ships must find another way. They take longer routes around Africa. Maersk expects more troubles in Europe thanks to all of this. Problems in the Red Sea will last a few months.

Maersk starts sending goods by air from Oman and the UAE.  It is faster. But this brings new challenges for companies. The price of transport will get higher and higher.

Difficult words: 

shipping company - (a company which moves products from one place to another)

route - (way or path)

challenge - (a difficult problem to solve).

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