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RBZ  20 Week

Welcome to

#RBZ_ENGLISH's Small Talk Training Course,

designed to enhance your conversational skills in professional settings. This course is specifically tailored for professionals who aim to improve their ability to engage in effective small talk, a crucial skill for building relationships, networking, and creating positive impressions in the business world.


  • Develop Confidence: Overcome nervousness and build the confidence needed to engage in small talk effortlessly.

  • Master Key Skills: Learn the essential techniques of active listening, asking open-ended questions, and finding common ground.

  • Cultural Sensitivity: Understand and adapt to cultural differences in small talk to interact effectively with a global audience.

  • Professional Contexts: Apply small talk skills in various professional scenarios, including meetings, networking events, and virtual communications.

  • Build Relationships: Learn how to maintain and deepen professional relationships through effective follow-up and ongoing communication.

Small talk is more than just idle chatter; it is a powerful tool for establishing rapport, fostering trust, and creating a positive professional image. Whether you are networking at a conference, easing into a business meeting, or connecting with colleagues, the ability to engage in small talk can set the tone for more meaningful and productive interactions.


Rei Amilcar

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