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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar


Naturally as humans, the red flag raises higher and becomes less wind resistance based on the degree of the proximity we are to the source or result of the danger.

Until the bullet grazes our faith in surviving the last breath, we will only then say guns and violence are an issue

Until our partners turn their back the last time to your addictions to phones, gossip, and unnecessary elements saturating your already depleted love-dried relationships, we admire the essence they blessed our soul with.

Until our children ignore our call for the last time due to two decades of educational slavery, forced usage of digital devices to avoid actual parenting, beatings without understanding, we second think in fear if we have raised the child or programmed them.

Which leaves us cautiously embracing the demeanor of the power penetrated through our subconscious from the concept of the Last minute, Last second, and the Last breathe

Last minute symbolizes more the opportunity and hope we leave bare unused to make a better change as individuals rather than the mistakes we have made that are irreversible in nature and universally can not be undone

Last second symbolizes that we must act rationally, for the following second will determine if past and future will seal permanently at the end of that second or the future will allow you to breathe another 86400 seconds more

Last breathe symbolizes the unwanted acceptance of appreciation and gratitude that lacked punctuality at the time of dire need, which therefore leads us to appreciate what pain and suffer we have overcome till this last breathe, and admire the individual you would have been if you have been more grateful from the beginning

Unfortunately, this is a world where power has not one color, or flies under one flag

Power is invisibly omnipresent and is incapable of being seen by the oculus of the common man, but in essence, is suffered by the common man, and done so in an manner that the powers may wish it to be done

We as a result, must gratefully embrace the air we are left to breathe, and the friends who have been placed here to hear and share our powerless pain, and the soulmates who have been born to serve and enjoy eternity with us.

Your soul will carry on despite the strength or weakness of the temple you have been given since birth, so with the temple that you have, embrace the now, accept the inevitable, and remember each day is an opportunity to make your last breathe a moment of appreciation or a moment of regret


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