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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar


A. What will be your order sir?

b. May I see your drink menu, please?

A. Of course sir, right here

B. Thank you.

A. Please take your time away

B. Excuse me?

A. Let me know when you are ready to order?

B. “Disturbed face”

A. May I recommend a drink for you sir?

B. Yes, please.

A. Actually, they are all to die for

B. Is that so?

A. That’s right sir

B. The i’ll take a glass of reality, with depression on the brim, mixed with dementia pepper, had a long day

A. Great choice sir. My favorite actually. I usually will pour milk over the reality. Life is better when the white color is more visible.

B. I think the reality of color is fine, no need to blend too much. The taste is fine as it is.

A. Or I will add some cream with the dementia pepper, too make sure you forget the color of reality and even the taste.

B. I see what you mean. But that will be all. Thank you

A. My name is number 3, if you need any help.

B. What is your real name?

A. 3

B. So your first name is number, and your last name is an actually number? What kind of place is this?

A. Earth sir.

B. What is your “ real” name?

A. Number 3. Names are outdated, repeated over time, and have funny meanings that are usually googled by parents who are too lazy to research the best name for their offspring. We lived so long on earth, we ended up creating similar names, and the government got confused. So about 50 years ago, before half the earth’s population immigrated to space, they enacted a new planetary law, for humans to classified as numbers, instead of names. Also, you can scan everything with the barcode implanted in my eye. Weird and scary, right? That way, we are easier to track and keep records. I know on the moon, they continued using names. Must be special to have a real name.

B. Its ok, we never get to choose our name anyway, and most of the names have no relevance to who we are as you mentioned. But whatever. that will be all Number 3, thank you.

A. Of course sir.

B. It seems you like to cover your reality with some white colored ingredients? Is there some special reason why?

A. The world is more beautiful that way. Too many colors mixed up, just causes confusion, don’t you agree? Reality just taste much better when it looks better. Maybe the taste is not great. But it definitely looks like a great drink to sip on.

B. Its just a drink.

A. Customers is always right!

B. Well, the world has many colors in many forms. And it’s fine.

A. Yes sir, as you wish

B. It’s not as I wish, it’s the truth.

A. Have a good death sir, I mean day

B. Are you ok?

A. I’m perfectly fine. Maybe I can recommend a doctor for you?

B. Why? What for? Are you insulting me?

A. No sir, not at all. For the purpose of healing you.

B. I’m not sick

A. Well, some of the other staff and my manager aren’t sure why you don’t like our recommendation to mix the drink. Every number that comes in here, always requests it, sometimes even demands it. It’s as if you prefer not to see reality in the right way. We are worried about you, we care about each customer? Shall I give you the name of the shrink?

B. No, I pass. I just want to enjoy my reality as it is. I had a long day. Reality will be reality, no matter how much you try to cover it.

A. Are you sure sir?

B. Yes, I’m sure. Are “you” ok?

A. Yes sir. Totally normal and healthy

B. Under breath (a real nut case)

A. Excuse me sir?

B. Nothing, that will be all. Thank you…………… for nothing

A. Enjoy your reality sir

B. I will, with pleasure.

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