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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

Blink (一秒後)

We claim to take pride in ourselves while we are cautiously unaware that we are actually playing with the boundaries of narcissism and the often denied obsession of “living another’s dream” in a certain perceived hallucination. Our real values to be admired, lay brightly contained by unrecognizable ever-growing shadows. We allow the inventions of purpose to enable us to be ultimately controlled by its purposelessly forced existence into our preciously protected meaning of human nature. In the process we praise what we don’t understand, and despise gracefully what shall make our souls eternal. We sink into an abyss reaching for that last breathe of hope, while the comfort from the warmth of our digitally manufactured thrones gradually evaporates instantly in the speed of a blink, eventually leaving us not even remembering why we were descending in the first place.

Blink and you might just ....

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