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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

Broken Stratosphere

Poor future, how you must envy the past. While riding the human transporter during this cloud filled morning, I descended at the conclusion, that the rooted meaning of family and love is becoming even more distorted than the our original understanding of how we hoped it would exist. As we avalanche toward a society where kids are silenced with screens, and the elderly are silenced with the distance created by the same screens they gave their son or daughter when they were younger, life is a bitc...... bit different when you turn the hour glass sideways to a parallel state of consciousness in an unilateral disorientation leeching for what some homo sapiens classify as truth. Poor poor future, I truly apologize for our human race as we race to connect while unconsciously disconnecting without understanding why we started trying to connect in the first place. Similar to the notion of screaming at a child everyday, and then asking them as they become an adult, why are you so angry all the time? Or maybe similar to selling you test-based educational institutions for your kids without inspiring the real purpose and motive of applying their linguistic intelligence and horizon bending creativity, and stupidly asking them why you never think by yourself. Sorry, if it is not an ABCD question, maybe it’s out of their hope-tight comprehensional and mental capacity. Prey dearly for the future, filled with job taking, human replacing, cost reducing A.I. Sadly, we breed routine, and beg for creativity. We produce inventions, and cry when they learn to replace us. We age is misery chasing money and overly care deeply about satisfying society’s careless expectations that have literally no value. We strive our entire lives to become google searched without a real actual history. We run to screens because life is easier without thinking. We slowly break humanity and this earth from within, while the demagogical nature that we were born to have since the beginning of mankind, reaches its last meter of the race, all I can say is .....

Poor future, I am sorry for what you are about to witness. Oh how Sorry I deeply am for your innocence. There is always tomorrow.

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