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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

Disastrous Remedy

How so chaotically reminiscing the eternity of a second can be. The bewilderment of the belittled battlefield battling blindly-built beliefs. The white flag drenches from the polluted brains of the future memories of the endless present., How do we define the transparently obvious line between an culturally-based ethical victory or self-diminishing deception deteriorating our underdeveloped demeanor. Poor soul full of rich ambitions. Stuffed minds empty with hopeless dreams. Virtual egos running wildly from reality’s reach. Would you like a cup of hope or glass of despair? Cold hearted with a step-less ladder or hot stirred with hole-filled parachutes?

Life is closing in a few minutes, please make your order. We live and love as if we see the edge of cliff approaching , but we aren’t able to determine when to put on the brakes.

Hope that parachute comes in handy. Off the cliff we go, soaring as if that same parachute will save our lives from pancaking into the devil’s lair. Unfortunately, some surprises aren’t what we expect. Some dreams are what we thought we would never reject. Some viruses are just too beneath our conscious to eject. We pull the plug, hoping the darkness will lighten its meaning, but then the brightness of light, is so bright, we can’t even distinguish the reality of what we are seemingly dreaming.

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