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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

Perpetuated resistance

Gravitating in parallelity with the immobility of the life we unwantingly desire. We reach for the sky with the fragility of hurricane stricken kite easily winded by the soundless forgiveness screaming at your modern routine excuses. Seconds despise hours, days humiliated by ages, as time remains the only change agent to what can’t be unchanged. Who are you really? Subjectively you objectify your existence to others, while objectively subjecting your unsung glory to emptiness of the hallow amygdala. Temples are tapped tumultuously to thwart times terror against the human with less than the second of air to space. Hearts bass through the bellows of the ungrateful souls, who are seemingly blessed with more milliseconds than they actually deserve. Form over substance has been distorted into alter-egos, that can only lay witness to their true nature through filtered spectacles. Moment of silence for the unlived dreams, the unloved heart, the unknown seeker, the unheard melodies to which our souls are tuned. Time shall be granted no more, because now is the moment you are born. Now is the birth of true purpose. The purpose of your existence shall flourish till the yet is no longer attainable through desire, but only through the selfless devotion to leave a legacy that even his story can not ignore. You my dear are forever more!

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