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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

The Deaf Whisper

The beautiful insanity of a chaotic whispered love-cry permeates our ever-weakening ambitiously ridiculed dreams. Screaming screens leak liquid lights that brighten our temporarily short-lived raisin dry soaked egos, simultaneously damaging the window to the soul of our polluted self-distorted perceptions. Evolutionary humane tendencies crumble like a dying culture begging for survival to an unwanted future existence. We extend our reach for unlimited purposes, while endless technologies are invented to subliminally distance our human bond, but purposefully connect us with ever-deepening the doubts of the sinking ship guiding our relations to the bellows of our abyss-deep forced facade we blindly chase to receive the acknowledgment of those who will briefly exist in the lifeline of our eternal souls.

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