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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

The Frozen Sun

Alarm: Wake up Rei, Wake up Rei, Wake up Rei,

Time 6AM, Day Monday, Month Yusuary, Year 2050

Rei: Alarm off, hologram up, Next Friday’s morning news, Display now

Hologram: Request initiated

Hologram: Time requested too early. Please restate request

Rei: News off

Rei: Macbook Up, download protein, calcium, and iron now, for digital intake

Macbook: Download complete. Refill recommended. Refill recommended

Rei: Macbook off

Rei: Body scan up, initiate, liver, heart, blood oxygen check now

Body scan: Yes Rei, initiating body scan. Sugar levels 45% decrease from yesterday, liver function 85% and climbing , blood oxygen stable, 10K run and fresh air walk will enhance oxygen capacity

Rei: Body scan off, Conscious Scan activate

Conscious Scan: Morning Rei, is everything ok this morning?

Rei: Beg your Pardon

Conscious Scan:

Your brain is presumably stimulated by inconceivable notions deprived of your desired endeavors of the past future. I must warn you Rei, the future is closer than blink, and past is a windless shadow breathing over your shoulder like an echoed click chasing a completed second. But time is unforgiving like a famished bull with the drive of a wingless eagle. Your brainwaves are thrashing your amygdala is like hammer striking air, you seem to have no fears.. Malfunction detected and restored. You are saturated with lost, catapulting you beyond human imagination to a world where it ice burns, sweat bleeds, and pain is pleasure. Ideas steam through your pores evaporating once it has reached the surface, because in this world stupidity trumps creativity where digital likes suppress real love, screen time evaporates family time, swiping submerges expressed thoughts. I must warn you Rei. Due to educational distortion for the sake of perpetuating rushed education without room for learning, the ears of this generation are rapidly decreasing in functionality, please take caution sharing knowledge to unknown Homo sapiens. I warn you Rei. Homo sapiens are not prepared mentally for the future you are training for, so they indulge in glutton like behavior of feasting on negativity, spreading criticism of better others, shielding their egos with branded flags to cloud out the weaknesses storming them into the society they undeniable scold behind their descenting smiles. Warning expired! Good luck!

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