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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

The Objectivity of Intangibility / 無形的客觀性

The sun descends like a gravitated feather clouding over our realm with no sense of time or space, but merely purpose. The moon creeps in the distance beyond the shoulder of the fading solar glare, like she has waited her whole existence to shine through our humanly-created darkness. You ease towards the comforts of your money sucking empires step by step, escaping the tiredness of smiling when unexpected, and pleasing the never satisfied, and being responsible for a dream that began its death process after you started your first day of work. You approach street a couple blocks away from your domain , and the rest of humans who were put here to disturb your tranquility. You catch glance of the other side and notice the red numbers, and suddenly you feel your life is connected to the decreasing numbers. 20. The air seems no longer breathable, purpose loses its edge. Meaning has no meaning. 15. All seems a waste, you did your best as a child but your parents and the world, just don’t understand you for who you are and only the creator can explain but you have never seen him or her, and you have grown disgusted with finding out if they exists or not. Perfection is imperfectly unachievable. Why dammit? 13. These scooters and cars polluting my earth, my mind, my soul. 10. Why can’t I just be happy? Why must I please others? Why must I hide myself? Who am I? Is this world real? Is real even real anymore? 8. The lady next to you looks so elegant. All designer bags and apparel, and a husband who’s dying from submerging his hate for her greed, with a gentle smile ready to crack like ice approaching it’s last existence of coldness to the spring warmth, and he is tired of spending all his hard earned money on things, but forget his money was the real reason she signed her soul to him. Save him please. Save them from each other. Save love. 7. The foreign laborer sweating like sweat was invented from her face as she pushes the elderly complaining to her every second and she can only scream in her mind and ask herself “Is this better than her home country?” but she is treated like dirt on a daily basis, and she questions herself why me, why like this, why for the love of god? This can’t be like this my whole life, can it?. 5. The baby cries endlessly like a speaker broken in a country bar that opened 60 years ago, and the owner is tired of fixing it so he just says what the hell with it, but it’s not a speaker, it’s a baby crying for attention and love, but the twelve likes his mother received from friends she never sees seems to silence out his cry, oh the joy of social media. 3. The expatriate is pissed at his global boss and screams at him for sending him here, because his creative ideas are constantly shut down like a singer with real words to express, because the Asian hierarchical culture would never see the light of day in America 2. An aspiring future You Tuber / high school dropout is crying tears like a waterfall sourced from the Atlantic to her best friends about why the world doesn’t love her, why no likes, why no love, why no one cares, but her friends are too busy watching the you tube channel of someone more funnier, sillier, and more soul-selling than her, so, they pass her a Kleenex and say 加油, like a smile of butcher to a pig before the deed is done. 1. You realize this world is full of madness and it will always be, so you decide to love yourself and your kin, because there is no other energy left in your bones to please the world and save it. You take each step cautiously like your heartbeat is consciously rushing you to survive the countdown and make it across the street and you make it safely with like everything you have worked for your entire life is credited to your hard work, failures, and luck. And you walk home peacefully. Enter your domain and remember, life and faith is what you make it, and nothing more. We objectify what we don’t see but feel. You, only you, are real.

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