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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

The Old Beginning

The virality of the vibrations exerted from your birthed potentiality, is a fear even your amygdala dare not to shadow. Shall we salute to the death of your curated mirage suffocating your greatness leaving air to be merely a foolish dream as your demise serves as a heaven to the devil. Withered egos pulsate whispers from the voiceless dry tears we drown in as they reach the bellows of our roots, leaving our limbs to succumb to a world where death births life and life espouses death when meaning is loss beyond the horizons of what could be but cannot. Inevitability exudes flawlessly flowing rivers of misperceptions, while we reach for the basins of reality, understanding, meaning, living not to die, and dying not to live another irretrievably wasted second with those we don’t love. The winds of hope expel you to the lands as if you were born to thrive, born to heal, born to feel, my dear…. shall your existence suffer no more. As you will always be a life to be adored.

Tomorrow is a new day, and new you!

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