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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

The Sin of Shadows / 暗影之罪

Unwanted martyrs clamor through the silence of unprecedented calamities

Humanized demons terrorize the lifelessly vibrant plagued canals of the arteries of humanity

Who can I be ?

If the powers at be, be unbeneath me from what I was unborn to see.

Historically distorted spectrums of universal neutrality ?

How can I be?

What should I be?

Where should I bleed?

Perceptions pierce through unopened wounds

Youthful pure sunshine oozing in pursuit of an windless moon

Eternal breezes permeate stories of the histories manifested through narrow peripherals

Soul trapped, too black, vulnerabilities dream to be the arsenal

Waterfalls aspire to be rivers

Sizzling lava cries to feel shivers

What can I be?

Who should I see?

How can I flee?

Chains have be broken only 6 centuries ago

How can I let go?

How can I unfold?

How to unravel the story blatantly untold?

I pride in the silver, if the blood glistens the diamonds and gold

How to save my soul, when you own my whole?

How can I be?

How can I breathe?

When I am eternally what you want me to be.

Are you really free, when you fear the unborn greatness of me?

I pray for thee

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