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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

Paradigm Shift / 典範轉移

A. Nice to meet you

B. Hi, nice to meet you

A. I’m Leslie,

B. Hi, I’m Claire

(Shake hands firmly)

A. I’ve never seen you here in this cafe

B. Yeah, it’s my first time.

A. It’s seems like a nice place to get away from everybody and the noise

B. Exactly, that’s what I need

A. Nice to meet you Claire, I’ll let you to it. Hope we can have a chat some day

B. Yeah, sounds great. You are not bothering me. I’m just working on boosting my IG followers. I have 190K followers, and I’m trying to get to 200k, but the number keeps jumping up and down. Driving me crazy!

A. Good luck with that

B. Do you have IG?

A. Yes, but I’m not much of a social media fan. Waste a lot of time and it’s mostly people watching each other and making unnecessary comparisons. I have like 20 followers, but I know 98% of them personally.

B. Wow 20, 20??. I got 20 on my first day opening my account with my pic of my bikini and hashtag #comegetit. Gets likes every time.

A. I’m sure it does. Good luck with the 200K, I’m sure you will get it. I’m going to grab me a coffee. Chat with you later.

B. I can help you grow your page if you want.

A. I’m cool, no need....

B. It’s no biggie, do you have any better looking clothes? Like LV, YSL, or any designer brands, your outfit looks so outdated.

A. I’m not that into fashion, I like simplicity.

B. Omg! Are you my grandma? No wonder “only” 20.

A. Excuse me ?

B. So let me get this right? You got no social media footprints. Not even Tender?

A. Ten.. what ?

B. Seriously? You don’t know Tender, the dating app for finding the hottest guys in the neighborhood. You like guys right ?

A. Of course. I just don’t use that APP or any other , and I don’t intend on even downloading it. Anyway, it’s just a bunch a desperate and miserable people who can’t meet people in person and have a real conversation like a human, and they have nothing interesting to share, so they want quick hook-ups that dies like their ego the moment the digital love comes to reality.

B. What ? I met like five hot guys in a week. You are missing out on everything.

A. How are those dates working out? Still going strong, are you mad in love ?

B. Uhhh. I guess it’s ok. Just for fun right? Fuck love.

(Grabs stomach violently)

A. Are you ok? Need a tissue

B. I’m good. Stomach hurts these days and I have no appetite. Not sure why?

A. Watch that. Hope it gets better

B. I’ll be fine grandma.

A. Having too much fun huh?

B. Say what ?

A. Nothing

B. You should try the Frappuccino. It’s gluten free with an eco friendly cup design and they donate sales to charity, some organization, but never say the name or how much they donate, their profit is really soaring this year though! Amazing, right ?

A. No wonder..

B. Excuse me?

A. Nothing

B. No IG, no Tender, FB? Your life must horrible.

A. Not really. I ’m definitely good on that. FB has people becoming so desperate and boring, that they made more emojis and emoticons because people have less to say or they are not educated enough to share their real opinion. So they use an emotionless emoji to display a feeling they don’t actually have. I would say that’s kind of dangerous. But maybe it’s just me

B. Dam. Makes sense, but check out this FB video of trump. I hate him so much ,

A. But why watch if you hate him, you are just making him more powerful and famous

B. What?

A. Nothing !

B. Did you see the Oscars last night? Those dresses were killer

A. Not interested in those type of awards shows, it’s always rigged and manipulated, if you are not Harry Weinstein’s fourplay cuddle buddy, you probably won’t win. After the Oscars, it’s Grammys, super bowl, baseball playoffs, nba championship, and on and on and on. When do you have time to think? People should just be sold in the ikea store because they have become part of the couch. Seriously we are becoming brainwashed zombies

B. I love the walking dead, glad you like it

A. (Under her breath ) missed the whole point

B. Excuse me??

A. Nothing. Oscars were awesome. I enjoyed every second

(with a smirk hidden so well, the pope would bless her)

B. I know right.

A. I’ll leave you to your follower mission.

B. Thanks hun. Please follow my IG,

A. (under her breath) Dam, the future is super ruined.

B. What was that?

A. Nothing. I would love to.

B. Thank you babe.

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