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  • Writer's pictureRei Amilcar

親愛 未來的自己,

Today is March 19th, 2024, and I’m not sure if we will cross paths or if you will even receive this letter. Maybe paper doesn’t even exist anymore. Maybe the entire world’s history will be uploaded into a chip the size of a bread crumb, and accidentally gravitate to space like gravity was meant to exist for only this purpose. Wow, I must really say, how lucky it must be to be us in your generation. Looking back at me from going forward to you, regretting what I am right now, and what you were, and what I have become through your righteously hidden deleted profile of laziness. Dam. Congrats seriously. I am not too happy about what I have become and the me you used to hate being, but if you are looking or scanning this letter or ancient looking file while sitting in a high luxury oxygen-sealed condo in the south side colonized crater of Moon, then I guess its all worth it, right? Cheers to you. It is probably all kind of things to get you high in the present of my future me, couldn’t even imagine. Mostly we have marijuana and cocaine to get us out of this world. But actually you don’t need to get out the world if you are not on earth. Some people go to higher extremes, with unspeakable ways to catch that flight away from reality. You guys are probably laughing at all the celebrities that died in your history from overdosing or killing themselves from some deep depression that was ignored by the world as long as they performed and cautiously slaved for social media likes. Come to think about it, what will it take to get a “like” in your time? What do celebrities fake like in your generation, do you even use money? Will you even know what money is? Wow! It is so crazy to ponder about. Future me, please don’t forget about me. I didn’t work so hard and endure so much to resort to being forgotten. Make sure you cheers to me when you are sipping your galactic infused beer and show me some appreciation, even if the term doesn’t exist in your future databases. Please remember in your digital memory chip implant, that I love you and whatever you become, we are one in our “eternal return”. “Once is never” , so please live a thousand more years if the technology exists and make me, I mean us, proud


Past you.

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